Post List #3
Explore LIMBO Film Score on Spotify – Listen with Headphones!
LIMBO, Original Film Score is now available on Spotify. Always listen with headphones! 🎧👂🎵 🎬✌👇👇👇👇👇👇👇 Follow link below to the high quality teaser: 👂🎵 🎬✌👇👇👇👇👇👇👇
“RED HORN” première cines ABC Park
RED HORN officially premieres next April 26 (Friday at 8:30 p.m.) at the ABC Park cinemas in Valencia, a first Event Pass that will feature a presentation and discussion with the director. Tickets -numbered- are now for sale and can…
“LIMBO”: second teaser.
Second teaser for LIMBO, last @alberto_adsuara @samer_machine @absurdara ‘s film, with a cast of impressive actors. Follow link below to the high quality teaser (always listen with headphones 🎧) 👂🎵 🎬✌👇👇👇👇👇👇👇
“LIMBO”: work in progress
Limbo is the new production by Alberto Adsuara and Samuel Navarro, a feature film shot without subsidies, pure cinema, a disturbing thriller with a photography of stunning beauty, a new and extraordinary opportunity, for me, to explore sensations and sound…
“RED HORN” candidaturas Premios BERLANGA 2023
“Red Horn”, el último largometraje dirigido por Alberto Adsuara y al que he tenido el placer de poner banda sonora, obtiene ocho candidaturas a los V Premios Berlanga de la Academia del Audiovisual Valenciano, entre ellos a mi trabajo en…
Explore LIMBO Film Score on Spotify – Listen with Headphones!
LIMBO, Original Film Score is now available on Spotify. Always…
“RED HORN” première cines ABC Park
RED HORN officially premieres next April 26 (Friday at 8:30…
“LIMBO”: second teaser.
Second teaser for LIMBO, last @alberto_adsuara @samer_machine @absurdara ‘s film, with a cast…
“LIMBO”: work in progress
Limbo is the new production by Alberto Adsuara and Samuel…
“RED HORN” candidaturas Premios BERLANGA 2023
“Red Horn”, el último largometraje dirigido por Alberto Adsuara y…
F1x3 Experience
F1x3 Experience es un vídeo corporativo realizado por la agencia…