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Explore LIMBO Film Score on Spotify

Explore LIMBO Film Score on Spotify

Aug 16, 20241 min read

LIMBO, Original Film Score is now available on Spotify. Always listen with headphones! 🎧👂🎵 Follow link below to see the high quality teaser: 🎬

“RED HORN” première cines ABC Park

“RED HORN” première cines ABC Park

Apr 16, 20241 min read

RED HORN officially premieres next April 26 (Friday at 8:30 p.m.) at the ABC Park cinemas in Valencia, a first Event Pass that will feature…

“LIMBO”: second teaser.

“LIMBO”: second teaser.

Jan 20, 20241 min read

Second teaser for LIMBO, last @alberto_adsuara @samer_machine @absurdara ‘s film, with a cast of impressive actors. Follow link below to the high quality teaser (always listen with headphones…

“LIMBO”: work in progress

“LIMBO”: work in progress

Nov 5, 20231 min read

Limbo is the new production by Alberto Adsuara and Samuel Navarro, a feature film shot without subsidies, pure cinema, a disturbing thriller with a photography…

“RED HORN” candidaturas Premios BERLANGA 2023

“RED HORN” candidaturas Premios BERLANGA 2023

Sep 8, 20231 min read

“Red Horn”, el último largometraje dirigido por Alberto Adsuara y al que he tenido el placer de poner banda sonora, obtiene ocho candidaturas a los…

F1x3 Experience

F1x3 Experience

Jun 8, 20231 min read

F1x3 Experience es un vídeo corporativo realizado por la agencia Estudio Tres-Cero, que me confía la música del proyecto. Trabajar a las órdenes de profesionales…



May 8, 20231 min read

El Altramuz [Atesinado #1] es un corto de animación realizado y dibujado por Samuel Navarro y destinado a explicar la tesina de Paola Navarro Vozmediano,…

Red Horn

Red Horn

Apr 6, 20231 min read

En el primer pase, la respuesta del público excedió el aforo de la sala, por eso Red Horn, volverá a presentarse el día 24 de…

In a Persian Market

In a Persian Market

Jun 6, 20221 min read

En un mercado persa, In a Persian Market is the latest remastered track of original one arranged to illustrate the video promo to new magazine…

Estar o no estar

Estar o no estar

Apr 20, 20222 min read

On April 20, the medium-length film “To be or not to be” was premiered at the October Center in Valencia, the work of Alberto Adsuara…



Dec 2, 20211 min read

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May 13, 20213 min read

“Pills” is the generic that Alberto Adsuara uses to name each of the parts of his latest experiment: Cinema / Materialism is a YouTube channel…

Fuera de Horas

Fuera de Horas

Sep 27, 20202 min read

Introducing soundtrack and trailer (in spanish but with english subtitles) for After Hours, a film by Alberto Adsuara, illustrated with some fragments from the original…

Todas somos Thelma

Todas somos Thelma

Sep 5, 20201 min read

Updating with a composition from last year. As usual, I summarize in an artificial short piece the original soundtrack of a long documentary that can…

Marusela Granell

Marusela Granell

Jun 27, 20201 min read

Marusela Granell is a renowned Valencian artist whose images I had the pleasure to illustrate with a very austere composition that uses traditional percussion instruments…



Oct 18, 20191 min read

IMDB: teaser and full movie (in spanish with english subtitles) on demand at: / Ver trailer o película completa: PSICO (que no “psaico”,…

Music for video: new magazine “NOSTROMO”

Music for video: new magazine “NOSTROMO”

Apr 1, 20191 min read

New magazine “NOSTROMO” ( teaser music created from a loop extracted from an old musical composition. The tune, In a Persian market, was created at…

Fusion International Film Festival

Fusion International Film Festival

Mar 23, 20191 min read

Error Fatal receives up to four nominations at a new indie film festival, the Fusion International Film Festival, including Best Soundtrack! ¡Error Fatal recibe hasta cuatro…



Nov 6, 20181 min read

Music for SIEMPRE (2017), a short film by Alberto Adsuara that doesn’t need words. Música para SIEMPRE (2017), un cortometraje de Alberto Adsuara que no…

Instrucciones para cantar

Instrucciones para cantar

May 3, 20181 min read

Instrucciones para cantar  [Minicuento – Texto completo.] – Julio Cortázar ——- “Empiece por romper los espejos de su casa, deje caer los brazos, mire vagamente…

“ERROR FATAL”: links to the soundtrack

“ERROR FATAL”: links to the soundtrack

Apr 3, 20181 min read

IMDB: teaser or full movie (spanish with english subtitles) on demand at / Ver trailer y película completa: Link to the full soundtrack…



Nov 1, 20171 min read

Music for CRÁTERES (2017) Short film by Samuel Navarro. I did not have the opportunity to meet Don Pedro Vozmediano, the absolute protagonist of Cráteres.…

Rodaje de “Error fatal” de Alberto Adsuara

Rodaje de “Error fatal” de Alberto Adsuara

Oct 7, 20172 min read

Tengo la suerte de tener amigos que pese a hacerse adultos siguen jugando. Paradógicamente, suelen ser los adultos menos infantiles que conozco, los más cuerdos.…

VULCANO video GAME Soundtrack

VULCANO video GAME Soundtrack

Dec 4, 20165 min read

VULCANO GAME is an indie project and a graphical work by restless Alberto Adsuara. Participant in it Mario Marco as developer and Iris Perales as CG artist, two…

Love Birds

Love Birds

May 22, 20163 min read

POST ACTUALIZADO: haz clik para ver Love Birds, el último corto de Alberto Adsuara para el que he tenido el placer de componer la música. Su duración es de…

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